Companies House support for businesses hit by COVID-19
Changes announced today will help businesses avoid being struck off the Companies House register as they deal with the impact of the coronavirus outbreak. Businesses will be given additional support to...
What company information is available to the public-Companies House
I think people are surprised at what information is available on the public register and it’s often overlooked when you are dealing with an individual or a company. We’re required by...
What is a limited company? A limited company under UK law is one registered at Companies House. It must operate within the Companies Act 2006 and is governed by its own...
Ποιές είναι οι διαφορές μεταξύ Public & Private Limited Companies στην Αγγλία
What are the differences between PLCs and LTDs What is a private company? Most companies in the UK are private limited companies (LTDs). They are legally distinct entities with their own assets,...
Types of Private Limited Company Shares
Classes of company shares When a business allocates shares it allocates them in different classes with different rights associated with each class. Shareholders can be owners, directors, investors and employees. Different share...
What are allowable expenses for self employed in the UK?
If you’re self employed in the UK then each year you’ll have to fill out a self assessment tax return to HMRC, showing your income for the year and the income tax you are...
People with significant control (PSC): who controls your company?
who controls your company? How to identify and record the people who own or control your company. From: Companies House A PSC must meet one or more of the following conditions of control. Most PSCs are likely...
H φορολογία επιχειρήσεων στην Αγγλία για το 2018-2020
. Μια σειρά από φορολογικές ελαφρύνσεις και διευκολύνσεις αναμένεται να τεθούν σε ισχύ στην Αγγλία μέχρι το 2020, σύμφωνα με σχετικές ανακοινώσεις του Υπουργείου Οικονομικών της χώρας. Η ευμενέστερη φορολογία θα...
Δραστικές αλλαγές στο e-bay UK
Όσοι εμπορεύεστε στο e-bay UK (κυρίως με την διαδικασία του dropshipping) θα έχετε λάβει ήδη επαναλαμβανόμενες ενημερώσεις σχετικά με την απαίτηση του e-bay να υπάρχει νομικό πρόσωπο (ατομική επιχείρηση, εταιρεία)...